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The following thesis by Dr. A. S. Anspacher gives the
most succinct account of the reign of Tiglath Pileser III which has yet been
attempted. The author has systematically endeavored to place a number of
localities, mentioned in the documents of this great Assyrian king, and in so
doing he has made a distinct contribution to ancient geography. Tiglath
Pileser's map has always been somewhat uncertain, and, in his work, Dr.
Anspacher has succeeded not only in establishing several new locations, but he
has traced, more carefully than has been done hitherto, the routes of march of
the principal campaigns inaugurated by this notable conqueror.
In compiling the tale of an ancient nation, it is
necessary to specialize on the material of each period, and also on that of
each important reign; and this is what Dr. Anspacher has done. While it is true
that all the riddles of the history of a vanished people can never be
satisfactorily solved, a careful study, such as this dissertation undoubtedly
is, cannot fail to be of value to the historian.
Columbia University, New York City,
The attempt to solve all the problems connected with
the life and history of Tiglath Pileser III can never be fully successful as
long as we remain without new inscriptional material by means of which to fill
in the lacunae which so unfortunately abound in the existing tablets. With but
one exception, all the inscriptions which we now possess were found by Layard
in the Southwest Palace of Nimrod. Some of the tablets came originally from the
Northwest, some from the Central Palace; and since all three of the mounds
which mark the sites of these three palaces have been thoroughly explored, it
is perhaps too much to hope that more records of Tiglath Pileser's reign will
come down to us.
This thesis is an attempt to fix in some detail the
principal facts in the history of Tiglath Pileser III. Although every standard
work on Assyrian history has some pages devoted to this theme, no author has
treated it with such detail as to present the full story. The entire subject
has appealed to me as one deserving far more consideration than is usually
accorded to it in the histories. The reign of Tiglath Pileser III was from one
point of view the most important in Assyrian history, and the revolutionary
tendencies which characterized it are of as much importance to civilization as
they were to the then welfare of Assyria itself. It needed a revolution to make
the conservative Assyrian politicians of the time realize that the very
existence of the state was in danger. To curtail the immense revenues of the
priests so that sufficient means to carry on the extensive military operations
always necessary to Assyria's safety might never be lacking was the immediate
aim of the revolution. That result it speedily achieved. But from the viewpoint
of world history it also accomplished a far more valuable work, in that it gave
Tiglath Pileser the opportunity so to shape Assyria's policies as to give her a
longer lease of life than would otherwise have been hers.
When Tiglath Pileser III came to the throne, Assyria
was already beginning to succumb to the forces of decay. Her dependencies were
being gradually taken from her, and her armies were meeting frequent reverses.
It needed a great warrior and statesman to save her, not only for herself, but
for the accomplishment of her cultural work. The value of this king to
civilization, therefore, lies not in the fact of his extensive conquests
themselves, but rather in the fact that without him Assyria would not have
endured long enough to bequeath anything to the world.
The proper fixing of the geographical locations
mentioned in the inscriptions is of prime importance. I have, wherever
possible, tried to determine these and also the routes of march by the aid of
all the historical inscriptions that were available to me, and believe that I
have fixed some of these with exactness. One fact I wish to note here. At first
thought it would seem that the Arabic geographers should yield material for the
determination of some of the localities in question, but on the contrary no
such aid is forthcoming. They deal with a later period of the history of
Western Asia, and only a very few of the geographical names of the times of
which they treat preserve even a reminiscence of old Assyrian nomenclature.
In conclusion I wish to thank Professor Prince, under
whom I have studied my major subject, Assyriology, and whose aid and suggestion
as well as able instruction have given to my work whatever value it may
To Professor Richard Gottheil I also owe a debt of
gratitude for many helpful suggestions, and have much pleasure in expressing my
appreciation and gratitude.
From the time of the destruction of the
Babylonian Empire until the middle of the last century, when Layard began
his excavations, Tiglath Pileser III was known only because of the mention of
his name in a few Biblical verses. Nothing was certain about him, except that a
king of that name had ruled in Assyria and had made his power felt in
Palestine. All knowledge of his history had passed from human memory, and even
the inscriptions which finally proved to be his, when they were unearthed and
deciphered, presented many a puzzling problem. The mutilated condition in which
the tablets were found did not, at the time, promise much for a future solution
of the difficulties ; besides which, one of the tablets, the longest
inscription, was so badly cracked and broken in shipment to the British Museum
that many attempts to correct the first faulty piecing together were for a long
time unsuccessful. When this had finally been accomplished, it was discovered
that about a hundred lines were missing altogether.
When Layard had in the course of his excavations
reached what he afterwards called the Southwest Palace of Nimrod, he found
that the whole interior of one of the large halls remained fairly intact, and
that it was panelled with slabs brought from elsewhere. Some of the slabs came
originally from the Northwest, some from the Central Palace. "The bas-reliefs
always, when left entire, turned toward the wall of sun-dried brick, . . . and
upon the faces of most of the slabs forming wall E were the marks of a chisel;
. . . the bas-reliefs had been purposely destroyed. Only parts of the wall F
had been finished. Many of the slabs not having been used and still lying in
the centre of the chamber, ... it was evident that these were entire, having
only suffered from fire. They were, moreover, arranged in rows with great
regularity, and, in one or two instances, heaped the one above the other".
The analysis of these inscriptions, at whose
interpretation several partial attempts were made before Schrader's authoritative
work, was all rendered secondary by that scholar's investigation. Schrader
divided the inscriptions into Annals and the so-called Prunkinschriften : the last being arranged not chronologically, but
geographically. Both have been published, transliterated, and translated in
part, by many scholars. Schrader divides the Annals into those composed of 7,
12, and 16 lines, respectively. Of the seven-line inscriptions (seven in
number), Layard published five. They are those which in his collection are
designated as 69, A, 1 ; 69, A, 2; 69, B, 1 ; 69, B, 2; and 34, B. The last was
translated by Smith, and the remaining two inscriptions of this set were
published by the same author. The second group is made up of twelve-line
inscriptions, although one. Lay. 45, B, in its present condition contains only
eight lines, the first four being broken away. Another, III R 9, No. 1, is so
badly mutilated that not a single line remains intact. Lay. 50, A (III R 9, No.
3, p. 41-52) is in a very fair condition and is continued in Lay. 50, B, and
Lay. 67, A ; both these last being written on one stone ; while Lay. 67, B, is
a continuation of Lay. 67, A; making of the four inscriptions a complete
sub-group. Lay. 51, A, and 51, B, are written on tablets the last half of which
is entirely broken away, but what remains is perfectly legible ; Lay. 51, B,
being damaged to the extent of only a small lacuna in the last line. Lay. 52,
A, and Lay. 52, B,10 are fairly well preserved and form a continuous narrative.
The third group (16 lines), is made up of inscriptions which are badly
mutilated; viz. Lay. 71, B, which is continued in Lay. 73, A, the merest
fragment. Only about a third of the original tablet has come down to us. Lay.
71, A is scarcely in a better condition, and is continued on the same stone by
Lay. 71, B. The two inscriptions are separated by a perpendicular line through
the width of the stone, so that Lay. 71, B, line 1, is the continuation of Lay.
71, A, line 16.
There remain a few Annal Inscriptions which cannot be
classified by the number of their lines : viz. III. R. 9, No. 2 ; a fragmentary
19 line tablet ; viz. III. R. 9, No. 3, lines 22-41 (Lay. 65), a 20 line
inscription; the very badly broken 18 line tablet, Lay. 66; III. R. 10,
No. 2, consisting of the broken parts of an originally 47 line inscription, and
III. R. 10, No. 3, composed of 24 lines.
Schrader's second division, the Prunkinschriften, includes a long fragment of a tablet which was
inscribed on both sides, the middle portion (about 50 lines on the obverse, and
50 on the reverse, i.e. about 100 in all), being missing. It was published II.
R. 67; and translated by Smith, Eneberg, and S. Arthur Strong. The duplicate of
this inscription (Brit. Mus. D. T. 30) is of special interest, having been
found by Smith at Kalah in the Temple
of Nimroud, and is apparently a Babylonian copy. It was published by Schrader,
and translated by Smith. Lay. 17, F, is a 36 line tablet, translated by
Schrader, Menant, and Oppert. In 1893 P. Rost supplied the need of a complete
edition of all the inscriptions, with a new set of autographs, a
transliteration, and translation. In it he publishes for the first time three
small tablets. He was fortunate enough to discover a squeeze of Lay. 17/18
; which was made before the tablet was broken.
To what kings these mutilated sculptures and tablets
belonged was for a long time a puzzling question. Layard himself, having
compared them with a pavement slab of the same period and with reliefs of the
Central Palace, concluded that they all belonged to the same king. After Hincks
had deciphered on one of the reliefs the name of Menahem, king of Israel, as a
tributary to the Assyrian king in the eighth year of the latter's reign, on the
basis of a reference to 2 K. xv. 19 and 20, and 1 Chr. v. 26, Layard concluded
that this king must be "an immediate predecessor of Pul, Pul himself, or
Tiglath Pileser". With the discovery of the Eponym Canon the possibility of
this king being an immediate predecessor of Pul was obviated. But on the other
hand, the difficulty was not lightened, because Pul is mentioned in 2 K. xv.
19, as the conqueror of Menahem, and again, together with Tiglath Pileser in 1
Chr. v. 26. He was not recorded in any Assyrian inscriptions, and, of course,
not in the Eponym Canon. It would have been easy to have ascribed the tablets
to Tiglath Pileser without further debate. But although no name was found upon
what afterwards turned out to be the mutilated Annal Inscriptions of the king
in question, yet to have thus arbitrarily assigned them to Tiglath Pileser
still left the question of the identity of Pul undecided.
George Smith conjectured that Pul was, . . .
"either, Vul-Nirari III, who might still have been reigning in 772, or a
monarch immediately succeeding Ashurdan II or III, or that Pul and Tiglath
Pileser are identical". This last theory had already been propounded by Sir
Henry Rawlinson, and independently by R. Lepsius. It was finally established as
the correct one by Schrader. We may add here what is the clinching proof. In one
of the Babylonian King Lists, we read, Col. iv :
line 5. Nabu-sum-ukin his son for one month and 12
line 6. The 31 (years) of the dynasty of Babylon.
line 7. Ukin-zira of the dynasty of Sasi for three
line 8. Pulu for 2 (years).
Compare this with the Babylonian Chronicle, Col. 1.
line 17. For 2 months and . . . days Suma-ukin reigned
over Babylon.
line 18. Ukin-zira seized upon the throne.
line 19. In the 3d year of Ukin-zira, Tiglath Pileser.
line 20. When he had descended into the country of
line 21. Destroyed Bit-Ammukani and captured
line 22. For three years Ukin-zira reigned over
line 23. Tiglath. Pileser sat upon the throne of
A comparison of lines 7 and 8 of the first inscription
with lines 17 ff. of the second proves conclusively the identity of Tiglath
Pileser and Pul, showing that the impartial Babylonian historian gave him the
respective names he bore in both Assyria and Babylon.
All this is in perfect accord with the entry in the
Ptolemaean Canon, which notes for the year 731, the year in which Tiglath
Pileser was crowned in Babylon, "Chinzirus and Porus". This is, of course, the
Ukin-zira and the Pulu of the Babylonian King Lists; Porus being a Persian
corruption of Pul. The fact that Berosus makes Pulu, "Rex
Chaldaeorum", is in agreement with the above evidence. It simply means that
Tiglath Pileser III came to the throne of Babylon only after having conquered
Ukin-zira, head of the Bit-Amukkani, a powerful Chaldean tribe. Finally,
Schrader settled for all time that all the inscriptions belong to Tiglath
There is in all these sources of Tiglath Pileser's
reign scarcely any specific reason for doubt as to the accuracy and
trustworthiness of the reports which they give us. We have not, for instance,
as is the case with Sargon, any variant records and versions of the
inscriptions; and while they are, of course, subject to such doubt as always
attaches to the official records of a time which so far lacks the historical
sense and the morale of the scientific historian, as to glorify a king or a
nation at the expense of exact truth, still, we find no contradictory testimony
in them. Even the figures in the records of captives and of tribute furnish
scant reason for doubt.
If we possessed contemporaneous documents from other
nations to control the official records, there could be no hesitancy in using
them to check the inscriptions, but in the one instance where we do possess
such a contemporaneous inscription, an inscription mentioning the name of
Tiglath Pileser, the latter's reports are confirmed. And this is also true of
the Biblical references to him. The clues given us in the Eponym Canon, the
Assyrian Chronicle, the Ptolemaean Canon, the Babylonian Chronicle, and the
Babylonian King Lists, refer, of course, mainly to the fixing of dates, and in
the case of Tiglath Pileser at least, confirm each other, although they are
independent witnesses.
The reign of Tiglath Pileser III is especially
important, because with him began a new era in Assyrian history. This king
prepared the way for that period of his country's progress in which Assyria
attained her greatest territorial extent. Perhaps in his time it was not yet
evident that Assyria was too small a nation to hold her own against the half
civilized hordes which later on accomplished her downfall. The fact that
Assyria remained intact long enough to establish much which has become valuable
and even essential to civilization and culture is in no small degree a credit
due to this great warrior, who founded a well-organized Empire upon foundations
which his predecessors had enfeebled, and who was a personality great enough to
have dominated his day. This was so not only because the times into which he
was born invited revolution and change, but because his own power as warrior,
statesman, and organizer, forced even the priesthood, always a tremendous
influence, to bow to his energy and will. A great pity it is that his 'literary
remains' fell prey not only to the ravages of time and accident, but also to
the desecrating hand of one of his great successors, Esarhaddon, who willfully
mishandled the records of Tiglath Pileser and is mainly responsible for the
sadly mutilated condition in which they have come down to us.
The Eponym Canon for the year 745 announces that on
the 12th day of Airu, Tiglath Pileser III ascended the throne of Assyria.
Because of the entry for the previous year 746, "rebellion in Kalah", it has
been assumed that his accession was due to a military revolution, and every
known fact tends to corroborate that view. Certain it is that Tiglath Pileser
only gained the throne because of the condition of Assyrian affairs, and not
because he was the legitimate successor to the royal office. The Empire was in
very deep trouble. Its prestige was at low ebb. Abroad its influence was fast
waning, and at home all the elements of a vast political upheaval had for some
time been steadily tending toward revolution. The land was priest-ridden. Its
wealth swelled the coffers of the temple treasuries, and its soldiers
nourishing the traditions of ancient prowess had to be content with feeding
upon the memories of former national glory. There was crying need for a leader
of real ability. The land was not a victim of natural impoverishment. There
were means sufficient for all purposes of national aggrandizement, could but
the man be found who possessed the requisite qualities of leadership, the man
who could compel the greedy priesthood to relinquish its hold upon those
resources which it had come to look upon as rightful and legitimate prey. The
people and the army demanded a sufficient portion of the national income to
defray the cost of military and civil affairs.
It must have been a sad reflection for the Assyrian
soldier to review the fortunes of his country for about a century before the
year 745. Persistently and steadily ancient foes were encroaching upon Assyrian
territory. The mother country was still intact, but on every hand the buffer
states which great conquerors had been at extreme pains to erect as barriers
against invasion, had thrown off the yoke; and even worse, powerful monarchs of
other nations, taking advantage of the lethargy which had come over Assyria,
were conquering lesser peoples and building empires which in their new
greatness boded ill for Assyria's future. Since 860, when Shalmaneser II
ascended the throne, lasting and effective victory was seldom with Assyria,
although royal scribes, courtier-like, record a number of military triumphs.
With the exception of Ramman-Nirari III (810-782), no able, vigorous king had
ruled. That king reigned over a vast empire which stretched from the borders of
Elam on the south, to Nairi and Andia in the north, and as far as the
Mediterranean on the east. He was warlike, and only one of his reign years, the
eleventh, was spent at home. Four campaigns against Hubuskia, and six
expeditions to the East, are a proof of the energy which Assyria, under him,
was exerting in its efforts for conquest. Even against the successor of Hazael
of Damascus, who had conquered and probably ruled over Israel, Amnion, and
Philistia, he ventured to war and probably took Damascus. But during his reign
he was stoutly opposed by the growing power of Urartu.
Menuas of Urartu took from Assyria the tribes around
Lake Urumia, and annexed large parts of Hubuskia, erecting on the rocks of
Rowandiz Pass the steles which record his achievements. He drove the Assyrians
from Lake Van, and got as far East as beyond the Euphrates, levying taxes on
Miletene. His son Argistis continued the work of his mighty father, and from at
least one passage of his Annals, we must conclude that he defeated the Assyrians
in a great battle. The year 778 in the Chronological Lists records a campaign
against Urartu. This is the defeat suffered by Shalmaneser at Sarisadas. The
years 776 and 774 both record Urartian campaigns, in both of which Assyria lost
ground. Thus Assyria, under the feeble rule of Shalmaneser, lost her northern
possessions and those of Miletene. In 773 and 772, in order to hold the West,
campaigns had to be undertaken against Damascus and Hadrak, the former of which
had been thoroughly subdued by Ramman-Nirari III. There must also have been
disturbances in Syria, for the land of Patin of Ashurbanipal has already in the
time of Tiglath Pileser III become split up into the four principalities of
Unqi, Samal, Yaudi, and Patin. Also against Hatarika, which had become the
dominant power in Northern Syria, Ashurdan had twice to wage war, while in 754
he was engaged with Arpad, which together with Hatarika had come to share
supremacy in Northern Syria. Thus it will be seen that Assyria was gradually
losing its grip, and the revolt recorded for 746 in Kalah, which resulted in
the enthroning of Tiglath Pileser III, by showing the feebleness of his
predecessors, only emphasized the weakness which had come over Assyria. Now
there was need of a great man, a need which was supplied in the person of the
soldier who, whatever his real name was, seized the reins of government and
began his rule, assuming the name of one of Assyria's greatest conquerors, and
becoming Tiglath Pileser III.
The fact that he gained the crown raised the uprising
to the dignified status of a revolution; and it was certainly anti-priestly in
its essential character. So much is evident from the history of his successors,
from Shalmaneser to Esarhaddon. As long as the tribute of dependencies was available
for military purposes, so long the imposition of the temple taxes by the
priesthood caused no appreciable fiscal difficulties. Once this source of
income became curtailed, the immense revenues of the priesthood must have
loomed large in the eyes of all divisions of secular society. And these
revenues were exempt from the ordinary uses of the state. The larger cities
(these were of priestly origin) also enjoyed such privileged exemptions that an
anti-priestly movement would be sure to arouse antagonism from them. Hence a
successful revolution certainly did not receive its inspiration from them. For
the country population, however, and those interested in them, it would provide
relief. Upon them the burden of taxes fell with impoverishing force as soon as
the stream of tribute ceased to flow into the imperial coffers. This state of
affairs found in Tiglath Pileser the man who knew how to take advantage of the
His son had in the nature of things to follow the
policy of his father. But, whereas the former could rest his demand for popular
approbation upon the success of his military exploits, and did not have to
support his reputation for anti-priestly feelings on an exaggerated repression
of the priesthood, his son, lacking the glamour of military achievements, could
only prove his loyalty to the forces which had crowned his father and himself
by consistent antagonism to the priests and the priestly cities. He went so far
as to levy tribute upon the sacred city of Ashur. The statement that Ashur in
his anger gave the throne of Shalmaneser to Sargon can only mean that the
priestly party, profiting by the feelings of revulsion which this sacrilege
must have caused, regained sufficient power to overthrow the military party.
How basic the conflict between priest and people was can be determined from the
actions of the subsequent kings, Sennacherib, Esarhaddon, and Ashurbanipal. The
first once again favored the military party, and the last followed in his
footsteps, while Esarhaddon, like Sargon, never failed to exalt the hierarchy.
The affiliations of Tiglath Pileser III are amply evidenced when we compare his
attitude towards Babylon with that of the two last named kings. He was as
hostile as they were favorable. Esarhaddon indeed showed his feelings by an act
unique in Assyrian history. In providing materials for the building of his
palace at Kalah, he purposely mutilated and then removed the sculptures and
tablets of Tiglath Pileser from the Central Palace of Shalmaneser II.
About the ancestry of Tiglath Pileser III we know
little. But despite the fact that he was a usurper, which may only mean that he
was a younger son and not in the direct line of succession, there is no need to
assume that he was not of royal blood. In truth he never mentions his father.
But that proves little, for the same is true of Sennacherib, whose relationship
to Sargon we know only from the words of Esarhaddon. Nor does Esarhaddon's
desecration of the Central Palace monuments compel us to deny royal lineage to
the usurper. As we have seen, this can be reasonably explained as Esarhaddon's
protest against the actions of an 'impious king'. In fact, there is good reason
to believe that he was the son of Adad-Nirari IV.
The personality of the new ruler can only be drawn in
meagre outline. We have no evidence by means of which to characterize him,
further than to say in the most general way that he was brilliant and energetic
as a military leader, and that his natural endowments as a statesman were fully
equal to the demands of the circumstances surrounding him. That he was
far-sighted, his policy of colonization, which we discuss elsewhere, proves. He
seems to have set a new fashion quite remarkable for an ancient conqueror, in
that no indication of wanton cruelty can be cited from the inscriptions. As
with his successors, Sargon and Esarhaddon, torture and wholesale slaughter are
limited to occasions where such actions arose out of imperative need. Nor can
he be justly charged with mere lust for conquest. As an usurper he had of course
to make good his position.
But his continuous campaigning, with its accompanying
exploitation of foreign territory, and the imposition of enormous tribute,
arose out of the needs of the Empire when he came to the throne. If he had to
make extensive conquests for any other reason than to enlarge the Empire, it
was only to secure a steady inflow of tribute with which to relieve the
burdened financial condition of the people. Only in that way could he verify
the contention of the revolutionists, that the current poverty was due to the unreasonable
exactions of the priesthood. Had the mere lust of conquest animated him, he
would have been an usurper of only the common Oriental type. An examination of
the records strongly militates against such a conclusion. While the Assyrian
chronologists, not being historians in the modern sense, tell us nothing of the
circumstances leading to the revolution, we are enabled to infer the truth of
the situation from one very significant fact. The first care of an ordinary
usurper is to secure himself against the claims and operations of the
legitimate heir whom he has displaced. In the case of Tiglath Pileser III, the
party of the natural heir was the priesthood. Had the demand for a complete
change not been nation-wide, he could not have ventured to leave his capital
shortly after his coronation. Hardly had six months elapsed, however, i.e. in
the first half of his first regnal year, when he went forth upon his initial
campaign. No merely usurping adventurer would have dared to risk such a move.
From the very first it was evident that Tiglath
Pileser had formulated plans to meet the problems which faced him and his
country. So far as mere conquest was concerned many of his predecessors had
been eminently successful. It was only when the question of organizing
conquered territory and peoples had arisen that they had failed. Up to Tiglath
Pileser's time, conquest and revolt succeeded one another with almost unfailing
regularity, and the length of time during which most dependencies remained
loyal was in direct proportion to the military capacity of the then ruling
king. Tiglath Pileser planned to make an end of such opportunist allegiance. He
inaugurated a system of colonization designed to make of the Assyrian Empire a
well-regulated and organic whole, whose farthest possessions would be firmly
united with the imperial country by organic ties. In this respect Tiglath
Pileser was an innovator; but in the general plan of conquest which former
kings pursued he could well afford to be an imitator. They had followed a
perfectly natural and reasonable course. The practical aim of all these
monarchs was identical; viz., on the south Babylon was to be held as a
dependent vassal, and on the east the tribes which had colonized in Babylonia
had to be restrained, lest, obtaining a permanent foothold there, they might
prove a serious obstacle to Assyrian expansion in that direction.
In the north the people of Urartu and their natural
allies had to be weakened by the constant embarrassment of battle, lest by an
alliance with the Armenians they should finally displace Assyria as mistress of
the 'Four Quarters of the World'. The large stretch of territory on the west
which reached to the Mediterranean contained no single nation sufficiently
powerful to threaten the domination of Assyria, but the peoples settled in that
region were rich in many products required by Assyria. In the imperial plan
these western lands were destined to furnish a field for territorial expansion,
to provide the means necessary to keep Assyrian finances abreast of its great
needs, and to supply the country with the desired commodities of import. In
full accord with this traditional plan Tiglath Pileser III undertakes his first
campaign against Babylonia, setting out in September 745.
But to think that he moved against Babylon as an enemy
is to miss entirely the statesman-like insight which he displayed throughout
his reign. Assyria was the suzerain of Babylon; and it is very probable that
Nabunasir, the Babylonian king, seeing that an energetic man of ability now
ruled at Kalah, was glad to be able to invoke his aid against the Arameans and
the Chaldeans who were threatening the eastern and southern borders of
Babylonia. Tiglath Pileser's prompt response to the appeal was not only
animated by the need of checking these tribes, but also by personal and
political considerations. He was king by right of revolution, but no religious
consecration had legitimized his accession. In Assyria he could not stoop to
receive such consecration, for the priesthood would not have accorded it, and
the military classes, whose antagonism to the priesthood had fathered the
revolution, would not have condoned him had he accepted it. To them it would
have appeared that he had secretly compounded with the Temple interests; but
from the Babylonian priesthood, whose consecration made his rule just as valid
as that of the priests of Assyria, he could and did receive religious sanction.
Nor would they withhold it provided he consented to come to the aid of their
king and country, threatened as it was by powerful foes on the frontier. Under
their auspices he could offer sacrifices to Bel, Nebo, Nergal, to Sarpanit and
Tasmit, in those Babylonian cities which he visited during his first campaign.
Then he could return home as a king whose coronation had lost the last vestige
of illegitimacy because the gods had accepted his offerings and granted him
It would also for another reason have served no
profitable purpose for Tiglath Pileser to play the role of enemy against
Babylon at this time. In his first campaign a usurper must be victorious. Had
he gone forth as the avowed enemy of Babylon in this campaign, he could not
have claimed a complete victory, unless he had succeeded in dethroning
Nabunasir. Doubtless he could have done so, for Nabunasir was in no position to
offer effective resistance, but such a step would have caused Tiglath Pileser
great embarrassment. To make his coronation legitimate, he would then have been
compelled to 'grasp the hands of Bel'. This, as we shall see below, he was
unable to do at this time, and to have omitted that ceremony would have spelled
a capital offence against the priesthood of Babylon. At home he could afford to
antagonize the priesthood, but he could not risk a similar policy in Babylon.
Unlike their compeers in the north, the Babylonian priests were at this time
normally powerful in the political affairs of their country. Their influence
was also strongly felt in Assyria. The Assyrians, although they had very
recently participated in a revolution against their own priesthood, had no
feeling of antipathy to the priests of Babylon. On the contrary, the religious
influence of Babylon over Assyria was never really enfeebled during the entire
period of Assyrian supremacy. It was very strong at this time. Had Tiglath
Pileser crowned himself king of Babylon without 'grasping the hands of Bel', he
would not only have been looked upon as a sacrilegious despot by the people of
the South, but also by his own countrymen, and he would have earned the enmity
of a proud vassal state whose sense of independence was strong in addition to
the opposition of a large part of Assyrian society. If on the other hand, in
745, he had submitted to priestly coronation, he might have gained power and
popularity at home and in the South, but such added popularity would have been
short-lived, especially in Babylonia, for the ceremony of “grasping the
hands of Bel” had to be repeated annually in the city of Babylon. To have
missed it only once would have invalidated his sovereignty. Had he attempted
despite the omission to retain the crown, the feelings of the priesthood and of
all Babylonians would have been outraged, and in their eyes Tiglath Pileser
would have ranked as a ruthless tyrant trampling the rights and cherished
convictions of his subjects under foot. He would have provided for himself a
tireless enemy at his very gates and endangered his great plans. In the years
to come all his campaigns would have to be arranged with a view to being
present in Babylon for the imperative annual ceremony. A king whose future
operations were already mapped out, and who in accordance with them would have
to travel as far afield as Urartu, or even the Caspian Sea on the north and the
Mediterranean on the west, had to postpone the assumption of full kingship over
Babylon until such a time as his farthest provinces were enduringly bound to
the Empire, and his governors and lieutenants had learned, under his own
tuition, how to hold the king's possessions by the aid of the system which the
crown intended to inaugurate.
His purpose in this campaign was, then, not to
subjugate Babylon, but to prevent its falling into the hands of the Arameans
and Chaldeans. These tribes were his first concern, since to leave them
unmolested might at some future time have occasioned serious obstacles to the
full prosecution of any distant expedition in which he might happen to be
engaged; and it is conceivable that while he was in the far West they might
even seriously threaten Assyria. Later on he had to wage strenuous war with the
Chaldeans, and their power is shown by the fact that, even when he did get an
opportunity to devote his undivided attention to them, they were strong enough
to hold Sapia, their capital, against every exertion of Tiglath Pileser,
although at that time (733) his troops were veterans, and he a mighty
conqueror with a long record of brilliant victories.
Now, in 745, these Aramean and Chaldean tribes had
come within striking distance of Babylon. A branch of these two tribes on the
east of the Tigris was nomadic, but the most dangerous although not the more
numerous sections had possessed themselves of several important cities on the
right bank of the Euphrates, any one of which might be used as a base of
operations for an attack upon Babylon. That city once in their hands, they
would have been in a position to threaten Assyria itself. Marching directly
south, Tiglath Pileser attacks and takes in order the cities which were held by
his enemies. These were Dur-Kurigalzu, Sippar, Pazitu, Pahhaz, Nippur, Babylon,
Borsippa, Kutu, Kis, Dilbat, and Uruk. He drove the Aramean tribes from the
banks of the Lower Zab to the banks of the Uknu River. He redug the
Patti-Canal, and on the site of Til-Kamri which is called Humut he built a
fortified city, to which he gave the name Kar-Assur; also a second city the
name of which was written at the end of Annals, line 21, but which has been
broken away. Host thinks it may have been Dur-Tukulti-apil-isarra. These two
cities became the central garrison-posts of the conquered districts, where he
settled his lieutenants, having put the territory under the jurisdiction of the
two neighboring provinces of Barhazia and Mazamua. The lieutenants had not only
to raise sufficient revenues for the purposes of military occupation, but had
also to deliver a considerable sum to the imperial treasury, since their annual
assessment was fixed at the large sum of ten talents of gold and one thousand
talents of silver, besides tribute in cattle and other goods. From E-sagila,
E-zida, and E-sitlam the priests brought gifts as tokens of their submission to
the conqueror.
With the completion of his first conquest Tiglath
Pileser began to put into practice his policy of colonization. The conquered
peoples were scattered and their lands repeopled with colonists from Mazamua
and Barhazia. His object was of course to obviate future opportunities for
conspiracy or revolution, and he rendered the subjugated tribes impotent, both
by garrisoning their land and by scattering them in widely different colonies,
thereby preventing the possibility of concerted action on their part.
But, although in this campaign he penetrated as far as
Nippur in the south and had subjugated the country all the way to the foothills
of Elam, clearing the plains and river basins of hostile tribes, his work would
eventually have gone for nought, had he not penetrated to the hill-tribes in
their mountain fastnesses in the country beyond. To have left these unmolested
must have invalidated his exertions in the lowlands. From the highlands an
unconquered enemy could have descended into the plains to undo all the
victorious results of the first campaign.
To make Assyria secure, and to settle matters on his
immediate southern frontier and his eastern borders, he undertook in the
following year (744) his second expedition, that against Namri.
However, the southern frontier could not be considered
safe until the passes east of the Diala had been secured. Their occupation and
fortification would serve the double purpose of a defensive border outpost, and
in case of any future advance into the country beyond, the roads would be clear
for any invasion he might contemplate. Not only is it probable that Tiglath
Pileser divided his army into two corps for this campaign, but in all
likelihood one of these corps moved in at least two columns. One corps operated
to the south. Starting from a point not far north of modern Bakuba, it followed
a course generally parallel to the east bank of the Diala and presumably
crossed the divide where one of the branches of the Konchitum River breaks
through the hills, not far from modern Imam-Esker; proceeding east they overran
Erinziasu, Bit-Hamlan, Bit-Sumurzu, Bit-Barrua, Bit-Zualzai, and then Ariarma,
Tarsarranihu, and Saksukni.
The northern corps under the provincial governor
Assur-danin-ani, had the task of subjugating the 'mighty Medes'. They succeeded
in conquering so extensive a territory that it is more than probable that they
operated in at least two separate columns. But the Annals give us little aid in
tracing their respective routes. It is probable, however, that they did not
divide forces until they had reached the plain of the Shehrizor. This, so far
as the nature of the country is concerned, they could have entered most easily
by marching along the west bank of the Diala, south of the Segrime Dagh, and
continuing parallel to the Shirwan, a branch of the Diala. At some point which
commanded the various roads into Media, perhaps near modern Behistun, they
separated. One division, going northwest, overran Bit-Abdadani and Bit-Zatti,
then turning to the northeast, on the right flank of their former route, they
defeated the troops of Bit-Tazzaki. The second division, starting in the
direction of the south-east, overcame Bit-Istar, and thence going south,
carried its victorious arms through Bit-Sangibutti and Bit-Sangi. A half turn
round towards the north brought them to Bit-Kapsi and finally still further
north to Arazias and Parsua. The two divisions had together traced an almost
complete circle, and now probably reunited their forces at the appointed
rendezvous. Most likely this was their point of departure near Behistun. Here
it seems was the site of Nikur, the fortress which in Annals was recorded as
having been destroyed. It was rebuilt as a strategic base, to control the whole
country which had been overrun by both corps. Here a large number of people
from the various conquered tribes were settled and a provincial governor was
placed over them, while others from the north were colonized in Bit-Sumurzu and
Bit-Hamban, and still others in Zakruti. Before arriving at Nikur, the two
corps had effected a junction, possibly in Arazias, which they may have
conquered together. Whether Arakuttu and Nisai were also reached in this year
cannot be determined. Neither is mentioned in the Annals. More probably their
turn did not come until 737, when a second war was waged in the regions here
The booty yield of the campaign must have been
enormous. Horses, mules, large and small cattle, camels, weapons, precious
metals and stones, and all manner of products were carried away as trophies and
as profit. A tribute of 300 talents of uknu stone (lapis lazuli) and 500
talents of silver was imposed, and 65,000 prisoners were deported for colonization
in other dependencies.
The nearest foes were now helpless. At the end of two
years' reign enough tribute and booty must have been brought into Assyria to
satisfy even a people whose previous supply for some years had been a minimum.
Tiglath Pileser had undoubtedly made his position so strong that for the future
his campaigns might carry him to great distances without his having to fear
that any revolution at home would seriously threaten his crown. These first two
expeditions had proved brilliantly successful. The usurper had justified all
prophecies as to his powers. Whole districts were in ashes. Old fortified
towns, which had become a menace, were destroyed. Powerful enemies had been
terrified by the sight of heaps of their slain and wounded, and were taught to
understand what the future held in store for Assyria's foes. At important points
Tiglath Pileser had erected calam sarrutia, "images of my royalty". Much booty
was dedicated to the god Assur, and his terror was ever before the eyes of the
smitten peoples.
Although not all the conquered districts were formally
incorporated into the Empire, Tiglath Pileser had, in 744, begun the real work
of assimilation and amalgamation. These eastern tribes were mostly Iranian and
Kassite. The last had at one time established a dynasty of thirty-six kings in
Babylon, and as late as 702, Sennacherib had found it necessary to suppress
them. Their traditions must have made them cherish a degree of independence so
strong that it proved well-nigh impossible to subdue them entirely. Perhaps it
was because of this close cherishing of their independent Babylonian identity
that Tiglath Pileser's plan of colonization never really resulted in their full
assimilation, and they may have been the cause of his campaign of 737.
The object of the campaign of 743 did not contemplate
direct conflict with Urartu itself. The day for such a vital move was not yet
at hand. The triumph over Median foes, although decisive, was in no way to be
compared with the struggle which Sardurri III of Urartu was prepared to wage
for supremacy in Asia. He was a foe worthy of the utmost consideration; nor
would he and his people fight the less furiously and bitterly against Assyria,
because the gage of the coming battle was not some petty principality, but
overlordship of the whole of the northern half of the continent or perhaps
independence itself. There was no room for two great powers of equal strength
and resources in Asia. Great nations had not yet learned how to live amicably
side by side. Between them there was sure to be constant conflict until one or
the other was either thoroughly subjugated and rendered dependent upon its
conqueror or was altogether annihilated. To be less powerful than a neighboring
people was in itself a prophecy that independence would be short-lived.
As the situation now stood in Asia, either Assyria or
Urartu must expect to bow to the superior prowess of the other, and the issue
might hinge upon the result of a single engagement. Nor was that issue at all a
foregone conclusion. Assyria's glorious tradition was a valuable asset in the
struggle to come, but this great tradition was not by any means her only
weapon. As has been seen, when Tiglath Pileser III came to the throne, Assyria
was in a state of lethargy, but her fundamental vitality and vigor were not
impaired. It only needed a vigorous, able ruler, with whom the majority of the
nation should be in full accord, to arouse her to great endeavor. That Tiglath
Pileser was such a man his two previous campaigns clearly indicated; but the
Urartian, too, had become accustomed to victory, and not only over petty
nations, but over Assyria itself. As we saw in Chapter II, from the time of
Ramman-Nirari III, up to the very date of Tiglath Pileser's coronation,
Urartian power had been steadily increasing. Menuas had measured strength with
Assyria, and both he and his son Argistis had proved themselves the most
aggressive and successful monarchs of their dynasty. Tiele has made a list of
the most important of the possessions of Menuas, and it includes the land of
the Hittites, Melitene, Man, and Urmedi. He in his turn bequeathed to his
successor, Sardurri III, an empire the largest part of which had been wrested
from Assyria, and had been among her most valuable possessions. When Tiglath
Pileser came into contact with Sardurri, Urartian territory had attained its
widest extent. Its northern and northeastern boundary line ran through the
Plains of Alexandrapal and Gokcha Lake (Transcaucasia) and stretched on the
northwest to Hassankala near Erzerum, Aschgerd, and Delibaba. On the west was
the Murad Tschai, with the furthest outposts at Masgerd north of Kharput, and
at Isoli. On the south its line ran along the mountain range between Armenia
and Mesopotamia, and on the extreme east, from Gokcha Lake to Ordaklu. Nor does
this large empire seem to have hung together loosely. The manner in which many
of the independent states resisted Tiglath Pileser proves that the Urartian
kings had succeeded to a surprising degree in rendering vassals and tributaries
firm in their fidelity. The determined and bitter opposition which the Syrian
princes offered to the arms of Tiglath Pileser, compelling him to spend three
years in the West before they could be forced to forswear their adherence to
Sardurri, indicates the large measure of Urartian mastery over very wide
territorial possessions.
Sardurri had also shown his capacity for military
accomplishments. By the year 755 he had conquered Melitene, and by 744 the
countries of Taurus and Amanus were also his. Upon these and the support of
Arpad he could depend in the contest now before him. It is indeed a matter of
wonder that he did not press on to the further West and conquer both Damascus
and Israel. The first was at this time very weak, and Israel, though apparently
prosperous during the reign of Jeroboam II, was, as Amos testifies, not
inherently strong. The weakness of neighboring kingdoms fully accounts for the
outward glory of Jeroboam's reign; and even this was beginning to fade during
the last years of his life. Perhaps Sardurri realized that it was impolitic to
attempt further extension of territory at this time, because Tiglath Pileser
had shown that he was no weakling. It would suffice the Urartian king for the
time being, if he could only hold his own against Assyria. Nor was it any part
of his plan to push further west away from his home provinces, and leave a
strong enemy in his rear. He could afford to let the Assyrian make the first
move. This, Tiglath Pileser was compelled to do. Perhaps one of the secret
wishes he entertained in making his campaign of the previous year in Armenia
and the East was that Sardurri would leave Van and come south to meet him on
neutral ground. But Sardurri did not stir. To have attempted to march against
Sardurri's capital and strike at the very centre of things would have meant a
long trying journey through snow-bound mountain passes, easy for the Armenian
to defend. For a hazardous attempt of that kind Tiglath Pileser was not
prepared in 744. He dared not risk the chance of a reverse. In that case the
Urartian allies would have clung all the closer to their allegiance, and it was
with these allies, particularly with the Hittites and Syrians, that much of
Sardurri's power lay.
The most promising plan, therefore, was to strike
somewhere in Northern Syria. The tribute and taxes from this rich part of Asia
were essential to Sardurri, and their threatened loss would not fail to bring
him from his mountain-guarded capital into the plains. Here without incurring the
danger, fatigue, and delay of a long march around Lake Van, the advantage was
with Tiglath Pileser. Should Sardurri stay at home, he would be the loser,
since that must have amounted to a confession of fear, and as such have been a
moral blow at the influence of Urartu.
The sources mention Agusi, Qummuh, Melid, Samal and
Gargum, as the active allies with whom Tiglath Pileser had to deal. Early in
743 he marched west, and the Canon entry for that year reads, 'ina Arpadda', in
the city of Arpad. Nowhere in his inscriptions does Tiglath Pileser hint of a
battle or a siege which secured to him the possession of the city in this year.
There is no justification, with Rost, to change the preposition from, ina, to ana, and on that basis postulate a situation wherein Tiglath
Pileser besieges that city and was forced to raise the siege when he heard that
Sardurri was coming to the relief of his ally. The Canon distinctly reads, Ina
Arpadda. But we do not know how he entered and took possession of it.
Tiele thinks that in 744 Arpad was in possession of Assyria, and that
Tiglath Pileser meant to use it in this campaign as a base of operations. At
any rate, although we do not know how Tiglath Pileser entered the city, for it
was the capital of Mati'ilu, the strongest ally of Sardurri, we are forced to
admit the fact. While there preparing for operations against the surrounding
small states, the news of Sardurri's approach was announced. From the northeast
the Armenian came through Kilhi and Ulluba, across the Tigris, and then east of
the Euphrates into Qummuh. He had reached a point between Kistan and Halpi when
Tiglath Pileser appeared, and the rivals joined battle between the two cities.
Sardurri sustained a bad defeat. He fled the field on the back of a mare. His
loss was 72,900 men (Annals 66). His baggage-train, horses, mules, chariots,
even his personal ornaments, became the spoil of the victor; and the servants
and skilled workmen who had followed the army were made captives. Yet despite
all this the battle was not decisive. A single victory had not decided the fate
of the West, nor was Sardurri entirely helpless. The picture of a complete
triumph with which the Annals would impress us is not the full story. The
victory must have cost Tiglath Pileser much of his strength. He was compelled
to return to Nineveh and prepare his forces for another campaign in Syria. The
allies were not intimidated because of Tiglath Pileser's victory. He found them
even more difficult to overcome than Sardurri himself; and this is especially
true of Mati'ilu of Agusi. It was he who made Tiglath Pileser spend three years
in Northern Syria, prosecuting secondary campaigns, but principally endeavoring
to reduce the city of Arpad. We have seen that the Canon for 743 records the
entrance of Tiglath Pileser into Arpad. The year 742 tells of another
expedition against the same city; likewise the entry for 741, adding that it
took three years to capture Arpad. As has been said, in 743 Tiglath Pileser
left Arpad to meet Sardurri in Qummuh. Thus, if that city only surrendered to
the Assyrian king in 741, it appears that while Tiglath Pileser was engaged in
Kistan, the allies in Syria took Arpad during his absence. And the great king,
exhausted by the all-day battle in Qummuh, could do nothing more in 743 than
capture a few cities in that land. Ezzida, Harbisina, and Ququsansu, he sacked
after crossing the Euphrates.
While Tiglath Pileser was wintering in Nineveh
preparing for a resumption of operations in Syria in the following year,
Mati'ilu made ready for the inevitable siege of Arpad. He would have made his
peace with Tiglath Pileser, and had he done so, it is probable that he would
have received reasonable terms. But Sardurri had escaped into his own land, and
his ally expected him to gather a new force with which to come to the help of
the beleaguered confederates in Syria. When therefore the Assyrian again
appeared before Arpad he faced a very sturdy opposition. How well Arpad must
have prepared for this siege is evident from the time it required to take the
city. Certainly Tiglath Pileser did not sit down idly before the walls and
quietly await the starvation of the city. Expeditions from his armed camp were
sent out in all directions and the allies were carefully watched, in order to
prevent concerted action. When in 740 the city at last capitulated, all the
members of the league save one were anxious to compound with the victor. The
fate of Mati'ilu was sealed. He lost his throne, and were the records complete,
we should undoubtedly hear of his execution. Uriarik of Que, Pisiris of
Karkamis, Kustaspi of Qummuh, and Tarhulara of Gargum hurried to Arpad in
person to make peace with Tiglath Pileser and acknowledge his overlordship. The
terms he exacted were heavy. The Annals, wherein the amount of tribute was
stated, are broken (Annals 89-90); all that remains is the mention of ivory,
elephant skin, purple cloth, lead, silver, and gold. But the measure of their
humiliation was complete, and they had no desire to prolong resistance. Had
they seen fit to do so, a new leader would have proclaimed himself in the
person of Tutamu of Unqi. Unqi, originally only the western edge of Patin, had
at this time gained control of the whole country. It lay between the Euphrates
and the Orontes rivers, and stretched north beyond the Afrin. The capital city
was Kinalia, and against it Tiglath Pileser proceeded without delay. From a
passage in Asurb. III. 70-92, we may determine the route which the army
followed. They started from a point between Karkemis and Til-Barsip and had to
cross the Afrin before reaching Kinalia. But they first reach Hazzaz (Azaz).
This being an important city, there was probably a military road from Karkemis
and Hazzaz, which led to the Afrin River. In later (pre-Grecian) times, such a
road went from Birejik (Zeugma), a little south of the site of Karhemis to
Aintab. After capturing Hazzaz, Tiglath Pileser dealt similarly with Aribua,
and continuing south struck the road which comes up from Aleppo, runs a little
south of Hazzaz, and thence through the Syrian Gates to Beilan and the coast.
He came to Kinalia after following this road across the Afrin, and took it
without much difficulty. In the course of the attack it was destroyed. This we
must infer because in Annals 97 we are told that it was rebuilt. Unqi was
placed under a provincial governor, and much booty compensated for the expense
and trouble of the campaign. Tutamu forfeited his life. His fate was a dire
warning to all neighboring princes, and it was lucky for Hiram of Tyre and
Rezin of Damascus that their emissaries had been hastened to Tiglath Pileser
with tokens of submission shortly after he had reduced Arpad.
Tiglath Pileser was not yet finished in the far West,
but it will perhaps be better for us, for the time being, to disregard the
chronological order of his campaigns, and leave his activities in Ulluba (739),
and the expeditions against Media (737), and Mt. Nal (73G), and that against
Urartu (735), for other chapters, and to continue here the details of his work
against Syria, Phoenicia, Philistia, Israel, and Judah, which occupied him in
738, and again from 734 to 732 inclusive.
The principal countries of the West which remained
independent of Assyria after Tiglath Pileser's campaign of 740, were Syria,
Israel and Judah, Phoenicia and Philistia. With these in his possession the
Assyrian king would have been supreme from the Tigris to the Mediterranean Sea.
Perhaps he had originally intended to devote the year 739 to the subjugation of
these countries and the reduction of the entire West. But during that year
trouble broke out among the Nairi peoples and a campaign had to be undertaken
against Ulluba. The uprising in that country was probably incited by Sardurri.
Seeing that Tiglath Pileser was rapidly becoming master of the West, the king
of Urartu fomented trouble in Ulluba, hoping thereby to compel his Assyrian
rival to hurry back to the East and thus give the western kings an opportunity
to form a league against their conqueror. In this Sardurri was more than
successful. Princes and principalities which had been subdued in 740 rebelled
against the Assyrian yoke. Thus when the work of 739 in Ulluba was completed
Tiglath Pileser naturally prepared for a second western campaign, and
accordingly in 738 we find him once again in Syria. Up to this year Sardurri's
plan of fomenting rebellions against Tiglath Pileser in one part of Asia while
the latter was busy in another, had been successful. While the Assyrian king
was engaged in the West, rebellions inspired by the Urartian monarch broke out
in the East. And when Tiglath Pileser hurried East to crush them, Sardurri
incited revolts in the West. It was because of this fact, as we have seen, that
Tiglath Pileser was compelled to operate in Ulluba in 739, instead of devoting
that year to a continuation of the Syrian campaigns of 740. But Tiglath
Pileser was too great a conqueror to be long diverted from his great purpose by
such machinations. With Ulluba conquered he was only one step nearer to his
ultimate goal; viz., the conquest of Urartu. Nor did Sardurri gain much by the
formation of the new league of western kings with which Tiglath Pileser had to
deal in 738. For the latter defeated the western confederacy, and when he was
ready to come to a final accounting with Sardurri, it was no longer necessary
for him to do preliminary work in Ulluba, since that country was already his.
For the Syrian campaign of 738 the Canon makes the
objective point Kullani. Its ruler probably played an important part in the
uprising, but the real leader was Azriau of Yaudi. Yaudi had been governed by
the house of Panammu of Samal, and undoubtedly under that dynasty had, as a
result of the conquest of Arpad, become attached to Assyria. Now that a new
coalition, independent of Urartian leadership, proposed to contest supremacy
with Tiglath Pileser, the kingship of Azriau, who was not of the house of
Panammu, points to the overthrow of the pro-Assyrian party in Yaudi. The
confederacy, including the 'XIX districts of Hamath', was made up of cities and
states situated between the Mediterranean and the Orontes north of Lebanon. It
is not probable that Israel or Damascus was actively involved in this uprising,
although it is somewhat surprising that Rezin was not the prime mover. He had
begun about this time to make himself felt in Northeastern Syria, and was
certainly the most powerful monarch in that part of the country. His resources
were ample for a determined conflict, as he proved in 732. Now, he and Menahem
of Israel hasten to render tribute as soon as the news of Azriai's defeat
reached them, and all the confederated kings swore fidelity to the great
conqueror. Qummuh, Tyre, Que, Gebal, Karkemis, Hamath, Samal, Gurgum, Melid,
Kask, Tabal, Atun, Tuhan, Istunda, and Husimna, and even the land of an Arabian
queen, Zabibi, became vassals of Assyria. The tribute they were obliged to
render included money, precious metals, wood, cloth, camels, horses, and herds
of cattle. The booty was so large that it seems as though Tiglath Pileser's
object was not only to reimburse himself for the cost of the campaign, but also
to make Middle and North Syria too poor to dream of the possibility of revolt
for years to come. With that end in view he also colonized the territory with
settlers from Western Media, where, while he was occupied with the Syrian
league, a rebellion had arisen. Sardurri, unable to face the Assyrian king on
the open field, sought to hamper him by diplomacy and intrigue; for doubtless
the uprising among the Median tribes in this year was due to Urartian influence.
But if Sardurri thought that Tiglath Pileser would hurry east and leave the
allies in Syria free to throw off the yoke, he miscalculated. Tiglath Pileser
did indeed find himself compelled to leave Syria after crushing the rebellion,
and to postpone the conquest of South Syria, Israel, and Judah, and the Lebanon
region until another time; and he had in 737 to proceed against Media itself.
But he was able to deal with Azriau and his allies in 738, and subdue them so
thoroughly that, when four years later he traversed their lands, en route to
Damascus, they were harmless to harass him. The revolt on the Babylonian border
was soon checked by the governors of Nairi and Lullumi, who sent about 25,000
prisoners to Tiglath Pileser. He settled them in the cities of Unqi, and then
had thousands of the Hittites scattered throughout the Nairi lands.
For three years there was peace in the West. On the
surface of things, all the princes who had sworn allegiance to Tiglath Pileser
continued faithful, and he, satisfied that further operations in that direction
could wait until Sardurri had been reckoned with, did not return until 734.
For that year, according to the Canon, Philistia was the objective point. But
it would have been strange if the real trouble had not proceeded from another
quarter. In 738 Rezin had hurried to placate Tiglath Pileser with gifts. (The
tribute list for 738 includes North and Middle Syrian rulers; viz., Hamath,
Samaria, Phoenicia, i.e. Tyre, and Gubal. In that of 734 Damascus is missing, but
new names occur; viz., Armad (modern Island of Ruad); , Ammon, Moab, Askalon,
Judah, Edom, Gaza).
But, as has been observed, Damascus was a powerful
state. Its position among the Middle and South Syrian kingdoms was a leading
one, and some of its earlier rulers had proved their power, even in conflict
with Assyria itself. Ramman-Nirari, despite his boastful language, had found
its king Mari a strong foe; and now in 734 Rezin had again succeeded in making
his kingdom of Damascus a state to be reckoned with. No doubt Tiglath Pileser
had his eyes fixed on the countries beyond Damascus, including Palestine. It is
also almost certain that this great king had planned a future conquest of
Egypt. Damascus was the real obstacle in his way. Cappadocia and Que on the
north shore of the Gulf of Iskanderun were his; so was Syria south of Damascus,
and even that together with Israel was already nominally in his hands, but
since Mati'ilu of Arpad had opposed him for three years, Rezin was prepared to
do no less. Why the Canon makes the principal goal of this year's expedition
Philistia we do not know. The mutilated condition of the Annals for the two
succeeding years compel us to go to the Biblical sources for a picture of the
operations which follow.
The record of Menahem's tribute is the point of
departure. This king came to the throne as a result of anarchy in Israel. His
short reign was unsettled; and his successor, Pekahiah, was murdered by Pekah,
the captain of the palace guard. Anarchy in the north gave Judah her
long-expected opportunity. Alone, in her troubled state, Israel was in no
position to cope with her southern opponent. She had to invoke outside help,
and the logical ally was Damascus. Pekah called Rezin to his aid, and the two
together laid siege to Jerusalem. Ahaz, who had only recently come to the
throne of Judah, did not know whither to turn for succor. Isaiah's advice he
rejected. The enemies without the gate had to be repulsed. Nor did they seem to
Ahaz to be as insignificant as 'two tails of a smoking firebrand'. Of what good
was it to him that before many years the riches of Damascus and Israel would
'be carried away before the eyes of the king of Assyria'. And of what use was
faith in God while Pekah was hammering away at the gates? 'The waters of Shiloh
that go slowly' (Is. VIII. 6)
were not quenching the firebrands. It became imperative to enlist help from
some quarter, and there were but two possibilities, Egypt or Assyria. Of these
two, Assyria was the logical ally, because Israel had traditionally made
alliance with Egypt (Hos. VIII. 12). Ahaz appealed to Tiglath Pileser, since
from him he could expect more consideration than from Pharaoh. 'I am thy
servant and thy son; come up and save me out of the hands of the king of Syria
and out of the hands of the king of Israel' (2 K. XVI. 7). No second invitation was needed. Menahem had already
paid tribute, but now Tiglath Pileser had an excuse to overrun the country. He
came, but had no need to proceed against Samaria or against Damascus as yet. Ahaz
had invoked his aid, but the Assyrian had his own plans. En route to Jerusalem
there were other lands to conquer. Moreover, Rezin and Pekah went each his own
way; the one to Samaria, the other to Damascus.
Probably taking the usual route through the Lebanon
depression in the Orontes valley, Tiglath Pileser made several Phoenician
cities tributary, and an expedition into Philistia under one of his generals
succeeded in subduing that land. Hanno of Gaza, not daring to resist and
unwilling to surrender, fled to Egypt. We may see from this circumstance that
the eye of Egypt was upon current events. Egypt was never safe without outposts
in Syria and never failed, when possible, to secure and hold these. Tiglath Pileser
was working his way rapidly into the zone where every advance step must have
caused apprehension to the Pharaoh. The latter probably had promised aid to
Hanno, as he had often done with Israel and Judah; for it was very necessary
for him to keep a buffer between himself and Assyria, but he failed to keep his
promise. Gaza's independence was important to Egypt, for it was the nearest
city on the trade route between Egypt and Syria, and controlled this route.
With Hanno a fugitive, Gaza fell into Tiglath Pileser's hands. He now proceeded
to deal with Pekah. On the western borders of Israel (2 K. XV. 29), "The king
of Assyria took Ijon, and Abel-beth-maacah, and Janoah and Kedesh and Hazor and
Gilead and Galilee and all the land of Naphthali, and he carried them captives
into Assyria". Pekah must have resisted valiantly, and the losses of Israel
would doubtless have been greater but for the presence of a pro-Assyrian party.
Pekah's folly in allying himself with Rezin and thus becoming the indirect
cause of Assyrian intervention, probably accounts for his murder (2 K. XV. 30).
The new king, Hosea, certainly the leader of the pro-Assyrian party, was
allowed by Tiglath Pileser to retain his throne as a tributary. That he swore
fidelity to Assyria we see from 2 K. XVII. 3, 4. There we are told that
Shalmaneser "found conspiracy" in him, . . . or he had sent messengers to
So, king of Egypt.
Tiglath Pileser was now free to deal with Damascus.
Assyria and Syria had met on the battlefield in past times, and both had
registered victories, but Rezin seems to have lacked both the ability and the
prudence of his predecessors. It is not clear why he separated from Pekah
instead of remaining with him to face the common foe. Perhaps Rezin feared that
should the battle take place in Israel, Tiglath Pileser had a sufficient force
to send troops against Damascus while he himself was busy helping to defend
Israel. Such an expedition was actually sent against Philistia, while the main
army was engaged in Western Israel. Also Rezin had other allies. That he may
have considered it better policy to keep Tiglath Pileser busy in Israel, west
of Anti-Lebanon, and cause him to weaken his forces in fighting Pekah, so that
he himself could gain time to form a new confederacy, is possible. Perhaps in
his view that was a wiser course than to trust to the issue of a single battle.
The Syrian proved as difficult to overcome as
Sardurri, but the latter at least saved his capital. Rezin after a long siege
had to surrender his royal city, but not until his outlying dominion was
ravaged from one end to the other, and its cities, towns, and hamlets sacked.
Rezin himself suffered death. The inhabitants of Damascus were transplanted to
Kir. The districts which were conquered in 732 were placed under a provincial
governor with his residence at Damascus.
Metena of Tyre, and Mitinti of Askalon, who had formed
the new coalition with Rezin, lost heavily in tribute, and the last, crazed by
his misfortunes, was replaced by his son Rukiptu, as an Assyrian vassal. To add
to the wide extent of the conquest, an Arabian queen, Samsi, who may have been
an active ally of Rezin's, was pursued into her home country, and after the
defeat of her troops, and the payment of heavy tribute, was allowed to keep her
throne. Many of the Arabian tribes were made tributary, and of these, one, the
Idibi'il, were stationed to guard and control the Arabian Mucri.
Now the princes of all the West hastened to do homage
to the conqueror. At Damascus he established a temporary court, and from far
and near came trembling rulers with promises of loyalty and with presents. The
booty which they were compelled to deliver was enormous. Only one prince,
Uassurmi of Tabal, dared to absent himself, and for this presumption he had the
humiliation of seeing a "nobody" placed on his throne.
Assyria was now mistress of Asia, from the Uknu River
to the Philistian coast, in the south, and on the north, from the Mediterranean
to Qummuh. The East, to the Caspian, had been conquered in 736. Media had been
thoroughly subdued in 737. Urartu had been rendered harmless in 735. Only the
work of freeing Babylonia of the Chaldeans remained to be done. We may now
proceed to review the campaigns of 737, 736, 735, 731, and 730.
In 743, Tiglath Pileser had come into direct conflict
with Sardurri at Kistan in Qummuh, and although victorious, had been so far
crippled by the battle, as to prevent him from following up the Urartian king.
During his march into Qummuh he had lost Arpad, and since that was the
objective point of that year’s campaign, he returned to besiege it in 742. But
although Arpad remained for the time being in the hands of Mati'ilu, its
rightful king, and despite the fact that Sardurri had made his escape, Tiglath
Pileser was not so far exhausted by the battle of Kistan, but that he could
cross the Euphrates and raid the cities of Ququsansa, Harbisina, and Ezzida.
However, he neither desired at the time nor was he able to press on nearer to
the Urartian capital, and invade Ulluba and Kilhi. Arpad had first to be taken
and Northern Syria to be conquered.
But Ulluba and Kilhi were the objective points in 739.
They had to be in Assyrian hands before Sardurri could be searched out in his
home land, and doubtless the work of this year was only another step towards
the investment of Van, which was undertaken in 735. The particulars of the
campaign are meagre, for the Annal record is missing, and the remaining
inscriptions give few details. The Canon furnishes only the bare announcement,
to Ulluba. In 831, Shalmaneser II had been compelled to send an expedition
into Ulluba and Kilhi, for the Urartians had already at that time annexed those
two countries, and they had been under the control of Urartu ever since. Now in
739 Tiglath Pileser inaugurates that series of campaigns which was designed to
culminate in a final reckoning with Sardurri, whom he had from the beginning
recognized as Assyria's most dangerous foe. If he can conquer Ulluba and Kilhi
and so administer them as to keep them loyal, he will not only have destroyed
the buffer state which protected Urartu on the west, but will open a way for
his troops to Sardurri’s very door. The brevity of the sources does not give
the impression that great importance was attached to the accomplishments of the
year. We are told that a city, Assur-iki-sa, was established, where the cult of
Assur was instituted, and where a governor was installed to administer the two
conquered provinces. In Plimmir he erected an image of his royalty.
The following year finds Tiglath Pileser again in the
West, and in 737 he was engaged in Media. But in 736 his operations are
prosecuted in nearly the same territory which engaged his attention in 739. At
the foot of the Nal Range were fortresses and natural conformations which would
be of great defensive value to Urartu should Tiglath Pileser attempt to invade
it. Furthermore, the Assyrian had to possess them in order to feel secure
against a raid by Sardurri into Ulluba. At Kistan Sardurri had suffered a stinging
defeat, and since then his best provinces had been taken from him. Although ho
had not ventured into open conflict all the while he was being despoiled, and
was seemingly content to remain quietly at home, he could not be trusted to
remain a passive spectator altogether. There was no telling what sudden
enterprise he might institute or at what point he might unexpectedly emerge.
Kilhi adjoined Urartu on the southwest, and it was from that direction that he
could most quickly appear. He had to gain only one victory and Tiglath Pileser
would have suffered a setback perhaps sufficient to hamper his plans for years.
The Urartian was at all times a dangerous enemy against whom precaution was as
imperative as active campaigning. All the more therefore did Tiglath Pileser
need to secure the Nal region. To hold it, once Ulluba, and Kilhi were in his
hands, made the conquest of these lands complete and the possession of Nairi
Tiglath Pileser took the most important cities of the
district. Ten thousand prisoners were captured, and over 20,000 head of cattle,
together with a large number of mules and horses, made up the profits of the
campaign. Why Tiglath Pileser did not penetrate Ulluba and Kilhi in 739 we do
not know; perhaps because of lack of time; or it may be that only a part of his
army was engaged at the time while he was busy preparing for other campaigns.
Perhaps, too, Sardurri, pursuing his favorite policy, fostered sedition
against Assyria in Media, while Tiglath Pileser was busily engaged in the North
and the East. At any rate, one of the years intervening between the campaigns
of 739 and 736 was spent in the East, and the following one, as the Canon has
it, was devoted to 'mat'. A part of the country subdued in this campaign had
been dealt with in 744. That it had to be reconquered does not speak well for
the thoroughness of the first expedition, but does not warrant our thinking
that the work, was laxly done at that time. In the first place, Tiglath Pileser
had to contend with the machinations of Sardurri, and no conquest could be
considered final until the latter was thoroughly routed. As in the West and the
North, so here in the East, uprisings were undoubtedly fathered by him. People
who would never have dreamed of throwing off the yoke so soon after having
experienced the power of Assyrian arms, were incited to rebellion by Urartian
persuasion. Then, too, the campaign of 744 was only Tiglath Pileser's second
one. He had not yet conquered a sufficiently large number of peoples to transplant
into these Median and Elamitish districts, thus to impair the homogeneity of
the original population. There were still enough of the native inhabitants left
to allow of concerted action. It must also be remembered that in 744 Tiglath
Pileseris possessions were not yet extensive, and he had not sufficient land in
which to scatter conquered tribes. Hence the work of 744 had to be repeated.
The sphere of operations as located by Billerbeck was in the valley of the
Derund, about Sinna, the territory between the Pendsch-Ali and Talvantu-dagh,
and also in the vicinity of Sakkis. Whether, as in the first campaign in this
region, the army moved in one or more corps, is not to be decided, for we have
no hint as to the original base of operations, and the various districts
mentioned cannot be located with such exactness as to determine the line of
march. The country covered was very extensive, and perhaps some of the lands
mentioned, especially those already conquered in 744, were brought back into
control by the invasion of few regiments, since garrison posts had been
established in 744. It is not to be supposed that the uprising in each district
spread over its entire extent.
At any rate, the country from Bikni in the far
north-east, to Niqu in the southwest, was overrun. Perhaps Niqu was taken on
the return march after crossing over the Pushti-Kuh Mountains. Tiglath Pileser
had on his way south thought it necessary to take Til-Assur; and this he
reached, if Ann. 158 gives the actual route followed, after passing through
Bit-Zualzas and Bit-Matti. Til-Ashur and Bit-Istar reveal by their names that
they were originally Assyrian, or were near enough to Assyria to have been
incorporated into the Empire, or to have at least retained their Assyrian
character. Of course, these names may have been given them after their
Some of the conquered tribes, like the Bit-Sangibutti
were of Babylonian origin; others were located on the southwestern border of
Media. At various places in the district conquered, Tiglath Pileser erected
images of his royalty. The spoils of victory included all those productions in
which the territory abounded, and as usual Tiglath Pileser did not stint his
share. Horses, canals, cattle, mules, “without number I carried away”.
Sixty-five thousand persons were deported to other dependencies.
From the borders of Urartu on the north and Rhagian
Media on the northeast, to the eastern frontiers of Babylonia and the
boundaries of Assyria proper, Tiglath Pileser was now undisputed master. No
enemy was left to contest his supremacy except Sardurri. With him ho was now
ready to deal. There was in fact no other alternative. Any attempt to penetrate
further west than he had gone in 742-740 and in 733, was not likely to be
completely prosperous as long as Sardurri was loft unmolested in the rear. In
the immediate neighborhood of Urartu and in the stretch of country between Lake
Vam and Lake Urumia on one side, and between Van and Assyria on the south, no
vassals were left to Sardurri except perhaps in Parsua and Bustus, and these
were not powerful. The time for Tiglath Pileser to strike at the centre of
Urartian power had come. He was not the man to delay. In 735 the road led to
Turuspa. Sardurri h ad ventured forth only once, and he had good reason to remember
the consequent defeat at Kistan. If he would not come forth to battle a second
time, Tiglath Pileser must go to him. Bui it was no easy task; in fact, no
Assyrian king ever undertook a more arduous one. To reach Turuspa, the capital
of Urartu, no approach was feasible, save from the north. On the south the
Arjerosh mountains reached almost to the shores of Lake Van. The passes were
possible both because of the snow and the ease with which they could be
defended against an invading army, nor was the way via the Tigris and the
Bitlis-chai and thence west along the shore of the lake easier. The bridle
paths along the south shore of the lake were naturally fitted for opposition to
a big army. From the south and the cast the difficulties were also forbidding,
for the Khoturdagh Range would have proved snowy graves for the Assyrian
soldiers. There were but two possible routes. One led from the north shore of
Lake Urumia by Tabris and Khoi to Bejazet. Just before reaching Bejazet the
road turns off southwest to Lake Van. The second, the one which Tiglath Pileser
took, led across the Murad-Tschai, between Musch and Manesgard, then through
Dajaini, and northward along the base of the Sipa Dagh, straight to Lake Van
and Turuspa. Before reaching Turuspa Tiglath Pileser sent a detachment to Mt.
Birdasu, northwest of Lake Van, though just what this move was calculated to
gain for him we do not know. The main body of the troops ravaged Urartu
throughout its extent. Cities and villages were sacked and the country plundered.
Sardurri was cooped up in his hill citadel, where he was safe, but as far as
his eye could reach, the track of the Assyrian army was marked by a line of
fire and heaps of ashes. Turuspa, however, was impregnable. Tiglath Pileser
could not starve out the garrison without a fleet to cut off the food supply
that came into the citadel by way of the lake.
At the base of the citadel hill Tiglath Pileser set up
the image of his royalty and turned back homeward. Sardurri lived, but Urartu's
power was dead. Ruas, son of Sardurri, rebuilt Turuspa on an even more
impregnable rock, and we find him in conflict with Sargon some years later, but
as far as danger to Assyrian supremacy was concerned, Urartu could henceforth
be safely disregarded. Assyria had vindicated her right to the mastery of
Western Asia.
To the west or the south, as occasion might demand,
Tiglath Pileser could now turn his attention without fear of the foe who had up
to 735 obstructed every step. We have seen how in the following years, 734-732,
this freedom from Sardurri's influence made the western campaign easy. Now but
one foe of account remained. From the Mediterranean to Mt. Bikni and the
Caspian on the north, and from Judah to farthest Media on the south, Assyria
was supreme. It only remained for Tiglath Pileser to gain the crown of Babylon,
and Assyria would be without a rival state in Asia Minor.
For Tiglath Pileser III to gain the crown of Babylonia
was to acquire the unique distinction of being the first Assyrian king to rule
simultaneously in both countries. There can be no doubt that this had been his
aim from the very beginning, and its achievement marks him as the greatest of
Assyrian conquerors. Nor had his ambition outrun his power to accomplish a
wonderful work. Of all the nations in Western Asia only Babylonia retained a
measure of real autonomy, and of that autonomy the Babylonians were exceedingly
proud and jealous. Tiglath Pileser, because his vast empire was at peace, might
be prepared to 'grasp the hands of Bel'. But it is doubtful whether or not the
Babylonians would have been equally anxious to welcome him as their king, had
all been well with them. Perhaps internal trouble would not have been
sufficient excuse for Tiglath Pileser to march south into Babylon in 729, as he
had done in the first year of his reign. At any rate, he waited until a
disruption of government in Babylonia led to the interference of the Chaldeans
in Babylonian affairs; and fortune played into his hands. In 730 Tiglath
Pileser was prepared for any eventuality, for there was no disturbance in any
part of his wide realm. Babylon alone was in a ferment. From 745 and up to his
death, Nabunasir had remained loyal to Tiglath Pileser. But in all probability there
always existed a pro-Babylonian party in Babylon, which had never ceased to
agitate against the overlordship of Assyria, and had rendered Nabunasir's reign
precarious. The fact that Borsippa revolted is significant, for it was one of
the cities captured by Tiglath Pileser in 745.
Nabunasir was succeeded by Nabu-nadin-zir, who, after
a very brief reign, was killed by Nabu-sum-ukin, an usurper. He was perhaps
successful in his usurpation because the anti-Assyrian party were his Sponsors.
Throughout all this turmoil of rapid regnal and dynastic change Tiglath Pileser
remained at home, watchful and apparently passive. As long as the strife in
Babylonia was purely domestic he had no urgent need to fear for his own plans;
but soon the inevitable happened. The Chaldeans, who never allowed an
opportunity of gaining a foothold in Babylonia to escape them, took advantage
of the disturbed conditions of government. Their most powerful tribe, the
Bit-Ammukani, under the leadership of Ukinzir, entered Babylon. Ukinzir
proclaimed himself king. Tiglath Pileser's excuse had come. As the suzerain of
Babylon, he was her natural protector from foreign foes, and he could not allow
the always dangerous Chaldeans to come into such threatening proximity to the
Assyrian border line. If no Babylonian could hold the throne, certainly neither
must a Chaldean be permitted to do so.
Tiglath Pileser marches south, his objective point
being Sapia, the capital of Ukinzir and the metropolis of the Bit-Ammukani. En
route he conquered the Puqudu and thoroughly subjugated them. Their cities,
Hilimmu and Pillutu, were sacked and the whole district placed under a governor
whose seat of administration was at Arrapha. A large number of the inhabitants
of the conquered territory were transported into Assyria and settled there in
scattered colonies. The Silani people fared even worse. Nabu-usabsi, their
king, was killed, and Sarrabani, his royal city, ruined, while the cities of
Tarbapu and Iabullu were added to the number of ash heaps left in the wake of
the destroyer. The whole territory gave up 55,000 prisoners.
Next came the Bit-Saalli. Their king must in some way
have perjured himself. He retreated into his capital, Dur-Illatai, which he
fortified, but to no purpose. The city was obliged to surrender, and together
with Amlilatu, rendered up its treasure and contributed its large quota to the
50,400 prisoners who were parcelled out into widely distributed settlements.
But the city which Tiglath Pileser was most anxious to take, Sapia,
successfully resisted every siege device. All its surrounding country was
devastated, but Ukinzir retained his capital, at least for the time being. To
complete the subjugation of the Chaldeans was impossible while Ukinzir remained
unsubdued, but all the rest of the tribes were made tributary. Balasu, too, of
the Dakkuri, sent tokens of submission; while Merodach Baladan of the
Bit-Yakin, a country no king of which had ever done homage to Assyria,
journeyed to Tiglath Pileser's camp while the latter was besieging Sapia, and
rendered his voluntary tribute of precious metals and the products of his
swamp-land country, To the list of subject princes was added Nadin of Larrak.
All that now stood between Tiglath Pileser and the throne of Babylon, was
Ukinzir. To achieve his ambition, the Bit-Amukkani and their leader had to be
put out of the way. The year 730 Tiglath Pileser spent at home, preparing for
the final campaign.
In all likelihood, this interval of preparation was a
busy time in diplomacy and intrigue. Even with Ukinzir out of the way, there
was still an anti-Assyrian party in Babylon, who could be depended upon to
resist to the last the crowning of a foreigner. These pro-Babylonians would
accept Tiglath Pileser’s aid in freeing their country of the Chaldean danger,
but would insist on having a native sovereign. How did the always powerful
priesthood stand in the matter? In 745, while a native king ruled, they had
hailed Tiglath Pileser as king of Assyria, and as such had brought him gifts
for clearing their country of her enemies. Would they accept him as king of
their own land in 729? To ascertain their attitude with surety Tiglath Pileser
during his stay at home in 730, probably carried on negotiations with the
priests. Perhaps the defeat of Ukinzir was part of the price which the priests
exacted in exchange for any aid they might promise to render to the Assyrian
king, in his efforts to gain the Babylonian crown. Cyrus in later times
probably gained just such an easy access to Babylon because of a previous
compact with the priesthood, and it demands no great stretch of the imagination
to think that Tiglath Pileser too had a perfectly clear understanding with the
priestly caste. At any rate in 729 he proceeded south a second time, and this
time his operations against Sapia were successful. Ukinzir was captured and of
course executed. The way to the throne of Babylon was now clear. On the New
Yearis day Tiglath Pileser III 'grasped the hands of Bel', and was crowned
under the name of Pulu. De facto and de jure king of Assyria, king of Sumer and
Akkad, conqueror of Western Asia, a prince without rival, the usurper of 745
has become the master of civilization.
Great pity it is that the records are mutilated. Were
the sources not so meagre, a fuller knowledge would perhaps compel us to class
Tiglath Pileser III as the equal of Cyrus, than whom the Eastern world produced
no mightier warrior and administrator. From the Caspian to Egypt, all of Asia
was dependent upon Assyria. No future king would hold his empire more firmly
than Tiglath Pileser had held it, nor inspire greater respect and fear of his
mighty power. In 728 Tiglath Pileser repeated the ceremony of coronation at
Babylon, and in 727, in the month of Tebet, he died. His son, Shalmaneser IV,
succeeded him, but the dynasty was short-lived, for Shalmaneser ruled but five
years, and in 722 the stranger Sargon founded a new line. He, too, was a
usurper, his succession to the throne resulting from a reaction to the
tendencies which had been responsible for the elevation of Tiglath Pileser. The
latter king's reign was only of comparatively brief duration, but t sufficed
him to make Assyria strong enough to endure until her cultural work for
civilization was finished. In modern eyes that must constitute his chief glory.
During his reign he had time to build but one palace,
and that, as has been noted, was dismantled by Esarhaddon. But better than a
palace, he builded an empire, far-flung, but well governed and fairly compact,
despite the heterogeneous elements of which it was composed. The central
problem of Assyrian statecraft was to weld the subject races and peoples into a
homogeneous unit. Such a task was never fully accomplished, either by Assyria
or by any of the great world powers that succeeded her, but Tiglath Pileser
approximated to it sufficiently well to erect a structure far more stable than
that of any of his predecessors and to render Assyria safe until her work was
After he had conquered a territory, he, like his
predecessors, placed it under the administrative supervision of the governor of
the immediately adjoining province, or else made an entirely new province out
of it. Tiglath Pileser's innovation consisted in this: whereas former kings had
colonized a newly acquired land with settlers from Assyria proper, and had
placed portions of the conquered subjects in scattered colonies throughout Assyria,
he kept his Assyrian subjects at home. His empire was too extensive to do
otherwise. Had he colonized subject lands with Assyrians he must soon have
depleted the native and homogeneous population of the home country. Instead, he
effected a transfer of subjugated peoples from one dependency to a far distant
one. His aim was to keep Assyria intact and thus to minimize the danger of
rebellion and revolt. He allowed no colony of foreign settlers to be large
enough or near enough to one of their own affiliation to permit the possibility
of any concerted action against the imperial government. The colonies were so
located that their thought-habit, their customs, their religion, and even their
language made them, if not offensive to their new neighbors, at least a
segregated unit among them. No collusion, in fact, no bond of sympathy between
the old and the new population was possible. It might even happen that an
uprising on the part of the old settlers would operate to attach the new
colonists more closely to Assyria. For the first step in a rebellion is
generally a demonstration against the stranger within the gates. In the event
of such demonstrations the new settler would have no recourse but to appeal to
Assyria. He had no greater love for Assyria than had the strangers among whom
he had been settled, but to feed fat his grudge and nurse vengeance would in no
wise answer his need of self-preservation. Assyria had to be petitioned for
help, and granting it, came naturally to be regarded as a deliverer. Thus a
measure of real loyalty was secured, and it was probably in this way that
Panammu of Samal was rendered faithful. The Assyrian army was never so numerous
as to permit large detachments to be stationed at garrison posts. At most, a
governor might have a small company to aid him in the enforcement of his
authority. The realization that Assyria was ready to back up her officials
might not deter a determined people from revolt. If the rebellion arose in a
district far from Assyria, and might be long in coming and the uprising have
assumed very serious proportions before its arrival; but with Tiglath Pileser's
plan in effect there was a colony of strange settlers on the spot. These had no
affiliations with the indigenous population and could readily be pressed into
service to aid the governor until reinforcements arrived. It is more than
probable that this plan of colonization resulted in furnishing a source of
recruiting for the army which obviated too great a drain upon the male portion
of Assyrian population. With only a fair-sized force from home, a considerable
contingent of vassals could be enlisted en route to the seat of disturbance,
together with a number of troops from among the foreign colonists in the
It was this system of colonization that gave Assyria
the lease of life which she enjoyed. It might even have insured her a longer
national existence, had she not been far too small to hold out against the
barbarians who later on overran Babylonia and put an end to its career. To his
high ability as a warrior, and the glory with which he graced his country's
name, there must be ascribed to Tiglath Pileser III as his greatest credit,
that administrative system which conserved the existence of the Empire until
Babylon once again came into her own.